Chao Dong
Shanghai AI Lab, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Chao Dong is currently a professor in Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Science, the leading scientist in Shanghai AI Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Xiaoou Tang and Prof. Chen Change Loy. In 2014, he first introduced deep learning method – SRCNN into the super-resolution field. This seminal work was chosen as one of the top ten “Most Popular Articles” of TPAMI in 2016. His team has won several championships in international challenges –NTIRE2018, PIRM2018, NTIRE2019, NTIRE2020 AIM2020 and NTIRE2022. He worked in SenseTime from 2016 to 2018, as the team leader of Super-Resolution Group. In 2021, he was chosen as one of the World’s Top 2% Scientists. In 2022, he was recognized as the AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Honorable Mention in computer vision. As of March 2024, the citation count for Google Scholar has exceeded 33,222 times.His current research interest focuses on low-level vision problems, such as image/video super-resolution, denoising and enhancement.
Research Interests: Image/Video Restoration, Super-Resolution