We release XPixel Metaverse


XPixel Metaverse是XPixel Group集体智慧的结晶,它体现了XPixel所有成员对科研的坚持,对艺术的追求,对生活的热爱,和对世界的责任。下面就请跟随文字向导,一起来巡游XPixel的历史和现在。

XPixel Metaverse is the wisdom fruit of the whole XPixel Group. It represents our perseverance to research, our taste of art, our enthusiasm for life, and our responsibility to the world.Please follow the guide below to embark on a journey through XPixel's history and present.


为了完整而有特色地展示XPixel Group的各项科研成果,我们采用了“地图”的形式,通过山川、河流、建筑等元素,自然的将一项项科研成果与之对应,最终构成了XPixel Metaverse。目前地图的大陆被三片海洋包围,中间的大陆则遍布XPixel从2014年到2022年来经典的科研成果,完美地将科技和艺术结合在了一起。

To showcase XPixel Group's diverse scientific research achievements in a unique and comprehensive manner, we have employed a "map" design, which seamlessly links each scientific achievement with features such as mountains, rivers, and buildings. As a result, the XPixel Metaverse has been created. At present, the map displays three oceans surrounding various continents, with the central one exhibiting XPixel's hallmark scientific research breakthroughs from 2014 to 2022. This innovative approach effectively blends technology and art.

海洋 Ocean


The ocean is named by XPixel team culture: Love, Focus, Balance, symbolizing that many scientific research achievements on the mainland are nurtured in this excellent culture. Similarly, the rivers of the mainland ultimately flow into these three oceans, representing how the group's work results contribute to and reinforce this research culture..

大陆 Mainland

贯彻大陆的河流由左上角的高山发源,以此山代表深度学习超分辨率的开山之作SRCNN,象征着这项工作重若泰山的源头意义。由此发源的河流上段命名为Image Super Resolution(SR),此段周围的建筑与地形均是传统单图像超分的重要成果。同时在上段出现了最早的支流Blind,象征着图像盲超分这一分支领域的出现。
顺主流而下到达一处大坝,大陆地形由高地形转为海拔更低更平坦的地形,象征着XPixel在早期工作的基础上,随着更多优秀同学的加入,科研工作的开展比以往更加顺利。在大坝下方形成的名为Low-Level Vision的湖泊分出三条河流,分别是:

The rivers cross the mainland originate from the high mountains in the upper left corner, which represent the beginning of deep learning super-resolution with SRCNN, a pioneering work of fundamental importance. The upper section of this river is named Image Super Resolution (SR), and the surrounding buildings and terrain are important achievements in traditional single-image super-resolution. At the same time, the earliest branch, Blind, emerged in the upper section of the river, representing the emergence of the field of blind image super-resolution. As we follow the main stream downstream, we arrive at a dam where the terrain of the mainland changes from high mountains to lower and flatter altitude. This represents XPixel's early work on super-resolution, which paved the way for further progress as more outstanding colleagues joined in. The research work of XPixel has since advanced more smoothly than before.Below the dam, a lake named Low-Level Vision is formed, which gives rise to three rivers. These rivers are also important in the field of super-resolution, as they represent the different directions that researchers have taken to explore low-level image processing.

  *象征交互式可调节复原的:Interactive Modulation
  *象征视频处理和复原的: Video Processing


The desert landscape above which Interpretation flows exhibits a striking contrast with other regions on the map. This can be attributed to the scarcity and difficulty of work in the field of bottom-up visual interpretability, resulting in a more challenging terrain compared to other areas. This difficulty corresponds to the vast expanse of unexplored space hidden beyond the desert.
Located along the coastal area of the continent, there is a dock area which accommodates the largest open-source code repository for the super-resolution field, BasicSR. It plays a crucial role as a platform and repository for XPixel's research work and has gained widespread international usage and recognition, in line with the purpose of a dock.

文字介绍及其他元素 Text descriptions and other elements.

地图的左上角是作品的名称:XPixel Metaverse。地图正上方是XPixel的使命愿景:Our mission is to make the world look clearer and better! 地图右上角是XPixel的logo,地图中沙漠和沿海的两处小凤凰是XPixel的吉祥物。

"XPixel Metaverse", is displayed at the top left corner of the map. Directly above the map, XPixel's mission statement is highlighted: "Our mission is to make the world look clearer and better!" The XPixel logo is situated at the top right corner of the map, and the company's mascots, two small phoenixes, are depicted in the desert and coastal areas.

Pioneering achievement in a field, with the new field marked in italics
Abbreviation of the achievement
Journals in which the achievement was published and the year
The honor of the achievement is specially marked at the bottom


To facilitate the identification of achievements across different fields, each field is assigned a specific color from the XPixel logo located in the upper right corner of the map.

XPixel Metaverse承载着我们的历史,也呼唤着美好的未来!愿世界各地优秀的学者与我们一起,让世界变得更清晰,更美好!

XPixel Metaverse not only records our glorious history, but also previews our brighter future. Welcome excellent scholars from all over the world to work together for a clearer and better world!